By-Law 6 – Council Meetings (Statute 9)

a)    The quorum for a meeting of Council is six members in attendance.

b)    Council decisions are resolved by majority vote of those in attendance.  In the event of a tie, the President or his or her designate shall cast a deciding vote.

c)    In exceptional circumstances, and as agreed by the Executive Director and President, email can be used as a voting mechanism.  

d)    Every effort should be made to circulate items for discussion well in advance of a meeting, and elicit input from those unable to attend. For items not requiring major discussion, the Council may invite non-attendees to submit their opinions and votes, where necessary, in advance of a meeting.

e)    At least thirty days notice of a meeting of the Council shall be given to each Member. An emergency or special meeting can be called by the President or by a simple majority of Members.

f)    Council papers including the agenda will be circulated to Council members at least 20 days before the meeting. Following the meeting draft minutes and a summary of actions will be circulated to Council members within 7 days of the meeting.